Search results: HBO

TEXT: Barack Obama’s Floor Speech as a State Senator on Welfare Reform

STATE OF ILLINOIS 90TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY REGULAR SESSION SENATE TRANSCRIPT 60th Legislative Day May 31, 1997 First of all, what I’d like to do is just commend both Senator Syverson, as well as the Governor’s Office, for entering into good-faith negotiations on what is a huge bill that hasn’t received too much attention. There hasn’t been too much [...]

Review: Sorkin’s The Newsroom

“America is not the greatest country in the world.” Thus frames the narrative for this story revolving around a newsroom, its staff and the main character, Will McAvoy.  The story presents McAvoy as the most popular man in news. He makes a headline-grabbing outburst after admitting being on medication for vertigo, his staff leaves weeks [...]

(CORRECTION) Operation Gunrunner, with Stimulus Dollars, had Obama and Holder Approval in March of 2009

Editor’s note: Sometimes things get confusing. The Right Scoop has a correction here. Apparently “gun-running” and “gun-walking” reference different programs. The video has been set to private. *** At a March 24, 2009 press conference, posted over at The Right Scoop, Robert Gibbs introduced a program that he said was “very important to the President.” [...]