‘Go Topless Day’ Returns This Year; Bare Breasts Still Legal in NYC

It is now legal for women to bare their breasts in New York City.

This all stems from a court case back in 1992,  People v. Ramona Santorelli and Mary Lou Schloss. The New York Court of Appeals found that the illegality of women exposing their breasts was discriminatory.

The ruling was put to the test in 2005, when Jill Coccaro bared her breasts on Delancey Street in New York, citing the 1992 decision, and was detained for twelve hours. She subsequently successfully sued the city for $29,000. — policymic

In 2007, an organization called on women to attend Go Topless Day events in 30 cities. This year they are going to have events on August 25 across the country. (NSFW)

A video of Go Topless Day 2012: (Also NSFW)

After the finding of the Court of Appeals that baring your breasts is not illegal, a Memorandum was disclosed to the New York City Police Officers on Wednesday:

The order was disclosed in an official memorandum contained in a federal lawsuit Ms. Van Voast filed on Wednesday against the city and the department. The memo makes clear that bare-breasted women should not be cited for public lewdness, indecent exposure or any other section of the penal law. — NY Times

Well, ladies, you know what to do in NYC. And what happens in NYC, stays on the Internet.


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