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Evidence Suggests Court Originally Voted to Strike Down Obamacare

Blogger Lawrence B. Solum read Justice Antonin Scalia’s dissenting opinion in today’s ruling upholding the Affordable Care Act, and finds interesting typos suggesting Scalia may have originally written his opinion as a concurrence rather than a dissent: After a preliminary read of the opinions in the Health Care Cases (National Federation of Independent Business v. [...]

SCOTUS Reaffirms Citizens United Decision

In another day of Supreme Court decisions, with everyone waiting with bated breath for the Court’s ruling on ObamaCare, the Court chose instead to rule on other high-profile cases, including a case questioning Montana’s campaign finance rules. In a 5-4 decision, the Conservative majority declined to allow the Liberal minority to essentially force a re-hearing [...]

BREAKING: Aaron Walker Files Motion to Stay Brett Kimberlin Peace Order

Aaron Walker, with his attorney Mr. Bours, have filed a motion to partially stay the Peace Order filed against him for blogging and tweeting about Brett Kimberlin. Mr. Bours argues at one point in the motion that Judge Cornelius Vaughey ”disregarded by name controlling supreme court precedent on what constitutes incitement.” The motion cites Judge Vaughey’s [...]

ACLJ Sends Letter in Response to Brett Kimberlin

David French with the ACLJ has stepped up to defend Ali Akbar and the National Bloggers Club against Brett Kimberlin’s litigious tendencies. Last week Kevin Zeese, legal counsel to Velvet Revolution, one of Kimberlin’s non-profit organizations, sent a letter titled “Document Hold Request for Potential Litigation In The Matter Of Velvet Revolution And Justice Through [...]