Chuck Norris Declares Tim Tebow The NFL’s ‘Most Clutch Player’

While Tim Tebow may not currently have an employer, he may have the entire universe’s biggest badass as his number one fan. Chuck Norris believes in Tim Tebow - even if the rest of the NFL apparently does not.

Norris took to WND to pen a 1,500 word essay extolling the virtues of Tebow. His defense of the homeless QB may lack statistical metrics to back up his declarations of greatness (makes sense - Tebow has a 3-year 47.8% completion average and an avg QB rating of 75.3), but it is ripe with passion about his intangibles:

I’ve heard the so-called critics say Tebow has poor technical skills, but the truth is that Tim is a natural-born leader, an amazingly gifted football player, an inspiration to his team and the possessor of intense determination and strategy to bring any team to victory – no matter what the odds. One can improve technique, but leadership is innate. That is why I believe Tebow could be a super star and legend in the NFL.

Tebow is a player who rises to the occasion and delivers big in critical game moments. He reminds me of myself when I used to compete in martial arts. I would spar with my black belts in class, and sometimes they would outscore me. Yet in the tournaments, I would defeat them. My students used to ask me, “Why can we contend equally against you in class, but we can’t beat you in the tournaments?” My answer was always the same, “When it counts, I rise to the occasion

Only time will tell if Tebow will also rise to the occasion. First, though, he’s gonna need a team. Chuck Norris thinks that team’s helmet should have a Jaguar on it:

So, Mr. Shad Khan – the owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars, David Caldwell – their general manager and coach Gus Bradley, I would give the preceding some serious thought. Whatever you would pay Tebow would be recouped tenfold by the increase in attendance and fan base. With Tim as the quarterback for the Jacksonville Jaguars, they would add thousands (if not tens of thousands) of additional fans to the stadium, including me – even though I don’t live in Florida!

Will Norris’s pleas fall on deaf ears in Jacksonville (or in the entirety of professional football for that matter?) We shall see, but Messieurs Khan, Caldwell and Bradley may want to take Chuck’s advice to heart.

Because he’s Chuck Norris. And he will come for you.



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