Doctor Who Is Back!

Aaaaand we’re back in the TARDIS! After three long months waiting for answers about Clara Oswin Oswald (the Doctor’s newest companion), we jumped back into present-day London, where our third iteration (yes, she died twice already) of Clara is living with family friends, taking care of the children.


The Doctor, wandering through the year 1207, receives a call on the TARDIS from Clara, but this version of Clara doesn’t remember the Doctor or any of her past lives.


The Doctor turns up on her doorstep a few moments after their phone conversation (she’s a bit freaked out) and shortly after that, they discover a robot-girl from upstairs who begs to chase after Clara (she’s terrified).

The villian of the week?  A mysterious company that was uploading human minds onto the cloud. Yep, the newest baddie in the Doctor Who universe is the biggest tech innovation of the past few years. Nothing is safe anymore, not mannequins, or snowmen, and dear Lord stay away from statues!



By the episode’s end, the alien was revealed to be the Great Intelligence, the same disembodied consciousness from the Christmas Special, The Snowmen. Could the Great Intelligence be targeting the many lives of Clara Oswald?


Get excited for next week, when Clara travels with the Doctor for the first time!


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